Stephen G. Patten
For years the U.S. Government has said America will not
tolerate a nuclear armed North Korea.
Today the terrorist state of North Korea led by Kim Jong-un is armed
with nuclear weapons. The failure of
U.S. policy to prevent the communist government in the North Korean capital,
Pyongyang, from developing these weapons means we must rethink U.S. policy that
obviously has not worked out so well.
North Korea maintains it is only defending itself from an
aggressive America that seeks to dominate and control the Korean
peninsula. It cites the presence of
30,000 U.S. troops in the South and what it calls the provocative joint
military exercises the U.S. and South Korea periodically conduct. It says the two Koreas could reunite
peacefully if only the U.S. would get out of the South.
Okay. Let’s get
out. Withdraw our troops, conditioned upon a verifiable agreement that North
Korea would dismantle its nuclear arsenal as we withdraw. We would leave only a security force manning
the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating North from South Korea, from which we
would also withdraw once the two Koreas peacefully reunite.
This removes the
excuse for the North building its nuclear arsenal. Even more importantly, it sends a clear
signal to China, North Korea’s principal benefactor, it has no reason any
further to prop up the North Korean regime.
A neutralized and neutral Korean peninsula would pose no threat to China
which shares a 850 mile border with North Korea and would gain international
acclaim for the Chinese for no longer supporting a brutal North Korean regime
that is the world’s pariah.
But, doesn’t
withdrawal of U.S. troops invite an invasion of South Korea by the North? Not really.
The American forces we have in South Korea are there not to stop a North
Korean invasion with the number of troops we have in the South. They would be quickly overrun by the massive
North Korean army should it decide to invade.
The Americans are in
the South as a deterrent because any attack on U.S. troops would bring an
overwhelming response from the United States.
American naval and air power could destroy North Korea in a matter of
days and the North Koreans know it. That
same purpose would be achieved by keeping the U.S. security force on the DMZ.
The South Korean
military – known as ROK troops, for Republic of Korea – would stand and fight
if the North invaded. ROK forces are
highly trained, very capable, and organized to repel a violation of their
territory. And they are tough.
When I served in
South Vietnam during the Vietnam War the headquarters for our Marine Corps
battalion – 1st battalion, 1st Marines – was stationed in
the South Vietnamese city of Hoi An, about half way between Da Nang and Chu Lai
in the northern region of South Vietnam.
A South Korean
battalion was headquartered right next to our battalion headquarters. These South Korean troops, after a hard day’s
work of finding and killing the enemy, would come back to their battalion
headquarters and, to kick back and relax in the evening, would beat each other
up using their Tae Kwan Do martial arts.
On patrol one evening
I and about 10 or 11 other Marines walked into a South Vietnamese village. It was the middle of the night and the
village was deserted. I walked into one
of the huts and an old woman was squatting on the dirt floor of the hut holding
a baby and shaking in fright. I tried to
calm her fears and motioned it was all right, we were not going to harm her or
her village. I asked her, “VC a dao, VC
a dao.” “Where are the VC? Where are the VC?,” the Viet Cong communist
guerrillas. She continued to shiver and
wouldn’t answer me.
I walked out of the
hut and we left. A minute or two out of
the village we started taking small arms fire from this village. The VC had crawled out of their holes in the
ground or wherever else they were hiding, and were firing at us. Our troops returned fire and we continued on
our way. There was no point in going
back into the village, for the men would just disappear again.
If that had been a
South Korean unit, fired upon after leaving the village, it would have gone
back in the village, killed any men they could find, killed all the women, the
children, dogs, chickens, anything living, burned the village and destroyed all
their crops. Then,
the Koreans would
leave, in their wake a village that no longer existed. Interestingly,South Korea’s TAOR - tactical area of responsibility - was more peaceful than ours.
The South Korean
military is not to be trifled with. North
Korea knows that and would be unlikely to test the South backed up as it will
be by American military might.
Once peaceful
reunification between North and South is a reality, we remove our troops
from the DMZ, which would disappear. Follow that up with a clear commitment to Korea’s reunification that, if violated, would prompt U.S. forces to go back in in force.
from the DMZ, which would disappear. Follow that up with a clear commitment to Korea’s reunification that, if violated, would prompt U.S. forces to go back in in force.
Will this plan
work? Maybe. We cannot say for sure. But it is worth the effort, for it is a far
better scenario than a nuclear armed North Korea bearing down on the South and
threatening the United States and the rest of the world. Which is what we have now.
Steve Patten (
is editor of Lee & Grant International based in
Los Angeles
( that reports on national security and
the War on
Terror. He was a captain in the U.S.
Marine Corps during the Vietnam War
and after his military service was stationed as a CBS News reporter in Seoul.
and after his military service was stationed as a CBS News reporter in Seoul.