Thursday, June 16, 2016


When the U.S. sends its young men and women overseas to war, those Americans must know if they are captured, if they are lost, if they falter, if they fall behind, America will come back to get them and bring them home. The United States of America does not leave its troops behind.
This is a story of a CBS News reporter, Steve Patten, striving to maintain that pledge. It covers over 40 years, from when he was a U.S. Marine serving in South Vietnam to the wars he reported on in the Middle East, the Far East, and Central America, including the War on Terror that Steve and Foreign Correspondent co-author Pattie Mosure currently report on for their company, Lee & Grant International. It also takes place in wars of a different kind as he becomes a target himself.
Unjustly accused by CBS News management of being an undercover agent for the Central Intelligence Agency, Steve fights on in his search for POWs and MIAs. Working also to clear his name, he demands CBS disclose its secret sources for its CIA allegation when CBS told him, “The word on the streets of Beirut is you’re dirty.” His confrontation with CBS goes all the way to the president of CBS Inc. and the CBS corporate board.
This book is intended to inform you, the reader, of efforts to bring lost Americans home and of the role of a journalist involved in those efforts. Most of all, this book is intended to keep faith with our heroes and our heroines.

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